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Forge ahead, Create Brilliance

Time : 2023-08-16 Hits : 1

Recently, Ningbo Shiny Packaging Co., Ltd. Yangming Villa group construction activities in Yangming Villa in full swing. This team building activity not only provides employees with the opportunity to relax, but more importantly, strengthens the cohesion and cooperation spirit between the team.

Yangming Villa, as the venue for this group building activity, has beautiful scenery and elegant environment. Here you can get away from the pressure of the noisy city and enjoy the beauty of nature. With the theme of "Forge ahead, Create Brilliance", the group building activity aims to stimulate the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of employees for the development of the enterprise.

Before the event, the company organized a series of carefully planned games and challenges. The employees were divided into groups to compete and felt the tension and excitement in the competition. Whether it is a climbing challenge, a rope crossing or a blind wayfinding project, it requires close cooperation and mutual support among team members to complete the task. Through the participation and cooperation in these projects, everyone has a deeper understanding of the importance of teamwork and the role that each person plays in the team.

This Yangming Villa group construction activity not only let the employees experience unusual happiness, but more importantly, strengthen the cohesion between the team. By facing challenges together, helping and supporting each other, we have a deeper understanding and trust of each other, and a more tacit cooperation in work. This cohesion and spirit of cooperation will greatly promote the smooth progress of the company's work, and lay a solid foundation for the future development of the enterprise.

Ningbo Shiny Packaging Co., Ltd will continue to strengthen staff team building as the goal, through similar activities to enhance the cohesion and spirit of cooperation between employees. I believe that with the joint efforts of the team, the company will make more brilliant achievements!